Tuesday, August 21, 2012

There Must be a Begining!

 must premise this blog by stating that I used to be a runner, I was in track in high school, but that was 8 years ago and I have not kept up with running since that season.  I have always thought that I was in good shape but lately I have been gaining weight like there is no tomorrow.  So I have decided that I am going to run the Couch to 5K (C25K) program that I have head so much about and see if not only I can keep it up, but get rid of these unsightly pounds that I have been putting on. When I first told people I was going to start the program I got mixed opinions, some being supportive and even intrigued about it, to others who immediately put it down and said it was for “fat people.”  My 5’11’’ frame hides a lot(which I am thankful for) so many people do not realize the amount of weight that I have put on, but lets just say I want to ultimately loose 40 pounds, but if my husbands asks its 20 ;)  I had always been an active person in my younger years and even made myself get out of bed early every day during the summer when I was in high school to run (and tan, but that is not relevant), but after moving to the frozen tundra that is North Dakota and going to college and then immediately after graduating starting two jobs, I have had no time/energy to actually work out.  So you can see where/why this weight gain has come about.  I want to combat this, I want to feel good and energized again like I did when I was 16-17. 
So this is where the C25K comes into play, it’s a way to slowly ease myself into a workout program again and not feel over worked or let down at my physical prowess (or lack there of). I went in to this program thinking the first week is going to be a breeze, because when you read that you only have to run for one minute and then walk for a minute and a half and then repeat that 5 more times, it sounded too easy, I almost thought about skipping at least the first day if not the whole first week.  Let me tell you, I totally have a higher belief in my physical capabilities than I actually am able to do. My lungs felt like they were on fire and about to jump out of my chest, it was/is embarrassing to admit but I need to be honest about how I am doing.  Also should note that I am writing this after finishing the first two weeks so I am sort of keeping up with the program

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